The Bionic Future
"... a framework for today’s enterprises to leap into the bionic future in a responsible manner."
Nikhil Deshpande - Intel Corporation, PhD, Senior Director | AI | High Performance Computing & Graph Analytics | New Product Development
You may have an AI powered application in your organization, possibly an online chat bot, a loan evaluation agent, or a customer preference analyzer. That does not make it a Bionic Enterprise.
The future is about integrating intelligent AI-based Bionic Technologies and capabilities across multiple knowledge domains and industries. It is about ubiquitous access. It is about learning to fuse Bionic Technologies to human activity, and it is about leveraging that fusion to reach increased human and machine potential through the user experience through a Bionic Digital Platform that is hyper-connected, hyper-aware, hyper-converged, hyper-integrated, and hype-intelligent.
"The concept of a Bionic Enterprise is a critical concept to prepare organizations for the digital future that awaits."
Mike Walker - Microsoft Senior Director: Healthcare Lifesciences Digital Strategy, Futurist, Best-Selling Author
Organizations must implement a holistic enterprise approach at scale. Use Bionic User Experience Design to develop every value stream or mission thread down to the individual user interactions that define a user journey. It is at this most atomic level of human interaction and activity that we arrive at the point where it is possible to determine the intimate effects and technology interactions that might present opportunities for fusion of Bionic Technologies into the user experience.
At this most granular and intimate level of human activity, identify the Bionic Effects, Bionic Technologies, Bionic Agents, and Bionic Functions that will combine to improve that series of user experiences. This is how a Bionic Fusion Strand is developed. Bionic Design Thinking and agile methods support this process.
These design elements and approaches will transform the user experiences, potentially making them immersive, multi-modal, and Bionic Agent-based. These agents will provide distributed intelligence from the cloud to the operational edge, yet synchronized across the enterprise. Bionic Agents will assist, learn, and apply their effects at all levels of the supporting Bionic Technology Stack.
The Bionic Enterprise will leverage the three new forms of capital for the 21st century: Cognitive Capital (what employees know - to improve development and operational value streams to produce better products and services), Behavioral Capital (what customers do - to help improve customer engagement and understanding), Network Capital (how and where users access and interface with the enterprise as customers or employees). The enterprise must be holistically designed. It requires an architecture that enables the organization to determine where and how to mature the five capability areas of the Bionic Enterprise to achieve or maintain advantage by implementing the Bionic Enterprise Framework (c).
Algorithms and technologies provide crucial capabilities for the future, but these will change frequently. They will be replaced by new technologies and algorithms. The capability and how that capability fits into the framework of the enterprise is what matters most. A Bionic Architecture helps determine where and how Bionic Technologies, Bionic Agents, and Bionic Effects belong and provide value to the organization and its stakeholders/customers.
"I find Kevin Brett's vision of the
future enterprise fascinating."
John A. Zachman - creator of the
Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture (TM)
The Bionic Enterprise is designed with a Bionic Workforce in mind to achieve continuous transformation through continuous evolution, maturing, and integration of Bionic Technologies, Agents and Effects. Continuous transformation and evolution is essential to respond to or even initiate critical paradigm shifts in government, business, personal space, and national defense. Integration of Bionic Enterprise methods is the critical force multiplier of the future.
The holistic Bionic Enterprise Framework (c) addresses the Human Perspective (human centric design), the Technology Perspective (5 Bionic Capability areas of the technology stack), and the Fusion Perspective (how the technology is fused to human activity to help the enterprise achieve Bionic Performance). The framework is how to avoid becoming a hammer in search of a nail.
The future requires that organizations cease the old ways of perpetuating patchworks of disparate solutions with no clear path, framework, or platform for maturity, integration and evolution. The Bionic Digital Platform is the integrating factor - the motherboard of the Bionic Enterprise - powered by the Bionic Enterprise Brain composed of a community of cooperating Bionic Agents at all levels of the Bionic Technology Stack. Its design derived from implementing the framework of frameworks that is the Bionic Enterprise Framework (c).
This is how the future is built.
We have the technology.
The Bionic Enterprise Framework is how we apply it.