The future is built by creative enterprises with visionary leaders at all levels. The future is built by challenging the existing ways, embracing change, and focusing on human-centric bionic design principles to provide value.
Leaders of the Future
Transformation Leader Guide
220 pages for
(available on Amazon)
The company or enterprise of today will not survive without leadership that is visionary and inspiring, a focus on creativity and innovation that drives human-centric design, a bias toward continuous transformation and an architecture that is built upon a Bionic Digital Platform where technology is fused to human activity at the most intimate levels to bring transformed user experiences.
Leaders - technology leaders, business leaders, change leaders – this book is for you. It is the companion to my much larger 762-page volume The Bionic Enterprise: Architecting the Intelligent Society of the Future. That volume is essentially the textbook and the blueprint you want to have your architects, implementers and integrators follow. It will inform and guide the design, development, and transition to a bionic enterprise.
This leader guide introduces the bionic perspective on the key questions that every leader should be embracing:
What makes an enterprise bionic?
How do I build visionary leadership in a bionic enterprise?
How do I build a creative enterprise with high innovative output?
How do I leverage the 3 types of capital that fuel a bionic enterprise (cognitive, behavioral, network)?
How do I architect the bionic DNA of my organization to achieve bionic effects?
How do I build a bionic strategy and transformation roadmap using the maturity models in the Bionic Enterprise Framework?
How do I mature the organization to embrace change and the effects of bionic technologies?
How do I recognize, manage, and plan paradigm shifts to maintain or achieve advantage?
How do I plan and carry out evolutionary and revolutionary change?
It all begins with understanding what being a Bionic Enterprise means. In the early years of the information and IT revolutions we talked about those organizations that were automated or IT-enabled, or IT driven. Now we talk about those that are AI-enabled. Smart companies. Intelligent enterprises. Even those monikers are inadequate. As leaders we need to understand that the future is about Bionic Enterprises. And now we need to talk about what that means so that we don’t all risk becoming ill-informed buzzword-ologists.
Becoming bionic means your company becomes hyper-converged, hyper-connected, and hyper-intelligent – all resulting in hyper-performance of the organization and it’s technology.
Becoming bionic means implementing the 3-perspective Bionic Enterprise Framework© (a framework of essential frameworks) tailored to achieving the vision of your organization.
Becoming a bionic enterprise means leveraging three types of capital of the future: cognitive capital (employee skill and corporate knowledge), behavioral capital (customer behaviors, patterns, preferences, interactions), and network capital (the means by which employees and customers access, connect, and experience your organization).
Becoming bionic means not focusing on the latest product or AI algorithm but on the bionic effects that a technology can provide to improve a user experience.
Becoming a bionic enterprise means something very specific in terms of maturing your organization, fusing bionic technologies to achieve bionic effects in user experiences, building an integrated Bionic Digital Platform with continuously maturing intelligence.
Becoming bionic means embracing the vision and characteristics of a bionic enterprise at all levels and across all business lines.
Becoming bionic means that your organization has an intentional blueprint that is based on a keen awareness of paradigm shifts within your ecosystem. It is consciously focused on maturing the organization and leadership in concert with the technology of the enterprise.
Being bionic means that your architecture acts as an early warning system to help detect change, opportunities, and threats within your existing paradigm as soon as possible so that business models and technologies can be adjusted.
Becoming bionic means tailoring and implementing the Bionic Enterprise Visionary Leadership Maturity model to build visionary leaders at all levels of the organization – leaders that embrace and foster the creative an innovative enterprise.
Becoming bionic means tailoring and implementing the Bionic Enterprise Creativity Maturity model to enhance the creativity quotient of every aspect of the organization – yielding innovation, advantage, and value to your organization’s eco-system.
Becoming bionic means that the very DNA of your company or organization is built on an architecture of bionic fusion strands that provide the design, specification, and intended bionic effects to be achieved throughout every key user/customer/employee/partner experience and interaction with your organization.
Becoming bionic means that information flows where it is needed and is not throttled by layers of bureaucracy.
Becoming bionic means that your organization is supported by the Bionic Enterprise Technology Stack that is fully designed and integrated to mature those technologies and capabilities of most value to your organization across the 5 main capability areas of the Bionic Enterprise Technology Maturity Model.